The Hundred Year Question




We can ask ourselves, is what is going on for me right now going to matter in a hundred years?  The answer is likely, no.

However, what does matter in a hundred years is how we respond to what is occurring now. We create our Destiny. This is of course if one believes in evolution, cause and effect (karma) and reincarnation. If there is no belief in these concepts then perhaps it doesn’t matter except for our immediate experience.

Our immediate experience is important though. Cause and effect are always at play whether you believe in a long-term consequence or not. So, whether you feel what is occurring now will matter in a hundred years isn’t relevant. What is, is what you can do in the moment to create a better response that brings you peace instead of suffering.

If we consider that when we ask ourselves will this matter in a hundred years, we can step back from what is occurring and realize we are likely making something more important than it really is. In the larger picture of our existence, is this thing that is occurring paramount to my existence. Or is it simply an experience from which I can learn and grow?

May We All Walk in Beauty


Amazing: Just Sit and Breathe




Often a fitting answer to a question is, It’s complicated. It’s a mystery. While that could be my answer because I really don’t know, it is often my answer because we human beings are complex mechanisms.

Just do this, whatever is being prescribed as a solution, might be the one answer that is needed in a moment, however, to evolve Wholistically (body, mind, soul, spirit, emotions) takes a balancing of processes and focused inner work.

Ultimately we need to do something in the moment that assists us to move toward wholeness; versus sitting in pain and suffering and asking “why?”.

The journey of Awakening is not easy. It requires enormous amounts of self-effort, letting go of being comfortable and the willingness to embrace the apprehension and inconveniences of change.

There are many things we can do and the most important is to create Stillness, so the mind and emotions do not run us. First, we begin with quiet, moving into silence and then the Stillness comes.

One way to do that is to simply sit without distraction and observe your inhalation and exhalation. When thoughts come do not engage them. Just go back to watching your inhalation and exhalation,  focusing your attention on your breathing ~ in and then out, in and then out… relax in the moment of watching your breathing.

You will notice that you become calmer. The system relaxes, your mind relaxes ~ you become more relaxed and present. Awakening comes from being present…not trying to figure out anything…not trying to accomplish anything…just staying present to your breathing.

While there may be one simple answer to Awakening, such as Love Yourself, Pray, Have Faith and on and on…  how one accesses that must be developed for the ultimate unfolding and expansion of Higher Consciousness.

Awakening comes from the Stillness within that reveals that you are okay, everything will work out, solutions become clear, all is well in your world, God dwells within you as you.

May We All Walk in Beauty.

Image result for breathing images



Shamanism and Shaman are pretty mainstream terms now; even overused like the word Guru.  This has happened as Ancient and Ageless teachings have become available for anyone who wants to learn.

This interest and curiosity bring many misconceptions. A Shaman, for example, is someone who has gone through some form of a Rite of Passage and has learned how to easily navigate between ordinary reality and non-ordinary reality for the benefit of others.

A Shamanic Practitioner is someone who has studied Shamanic healing skills in order to grow as a human being and to serve.

There is also a conversation of stealing something meant only for the indigenous peoples. I can understand that, although what the indigenous peoples have cannot be stolen. Shamanism isn’t even a word they may use; however, the principles of Shamanism are theirs ~ secular, ingrained and lived. In our evolution as a humanity it is time for these wise teachings to be shared with the world.

What you gain from Shamanic study is deep and personal if approached correctly. The viewpoint of ourselves and the world changes forever when seen through a Shamanic lens. Perception expands. Intuition heightens. Personal Power increases.

Shamanism is on my mind right now because we are launching a new schedule of Shamanic Courses. The Shamanic perspective is my way of walking through life. It is congruent with all I have studied in Eastern Occult Doctrine, Advanced Metaphysics, and even Human Potential. Once one goes deep it is not difficult to find the common thread of congruence.

Shamanism is very Taoists; it’s concordant with Natural Law and Nature as Teacher. It’s impossible to embrace Shamanism and not experience transformation. Our way of seeing the world, our relationship with it, our way of seeing ourselves and the ability to co-create with compassionate, benevolent allies and Great Spirit is beyond measure.

Life changes for the better because we change for the better ~ we become clearer human beings, we develop our intuitive wisdom, we become more connected to the God of our heart and our Higher Self, we are more empowered and self-expressed.

Shamanism is a dynamic way of seeing, inclusive, individual; it compels and empowers us to contribute as we walk gently and powerfully on Mother Earth.

May We All Walk in Beauty.

Past Life, Next Life, THIS LIFE

It can be enticing to consider or hear about who one might have been in a past life. Maybe someone important or someone who suffered greatly.

Considering who one might be in a future life can be motivation to pay attention this life or it could become hopeful dreaming.

While having some knowledge of past lives could assist you to understand yourself better, and looking forward to a future life as a better version of you, there is a caveat. Spending too much attention on past lives or future lives can be avoidance for present life.

The thing to consider is that past lives contributed to this present life and this present life contributes to future lives. Destiny and free will work in concert.

When we are born we bring in knowledge and patterns. Some serve us and some do not. That’s what our journey is about; each lifetime brings us an opportunity to learn more, evolve and become greater versions of ourselves.

I am including a link to an article about money and spending because noticing our behavior around those two can increase self-awareness. Finances are a wonderful way to learn about you. Quite often buying things is a subconscious way to try to fill a void. So, one step to learning about you and grow in self -awareness is to notice your spending buying patterns. Click here to read the article.

The concept is simple ~ we pay attention to what is occurring in our life experience, we can become clearer about what we need to address in order to create a better life this time (and next time). What needs to be changed to be a better version of ourselves. Once we get the hang of learning about ourselves and getting to know ourselves better, the journey becomes lighter and we feel more empowered.

So, if you are a seeker of Enlightenment, begin where you live…in your daily life…in your patterns.

May We All Walk in Beauty.

Happy New Year 2018!

2017 has been interesting.

Planetary shifts, Galactic expansion, time acceleration, feelings deepening, the longing to be a greater expression of one’s self heightened.

There seems no space for one to be complacent, to “settle”, and no way to ignore our greater Awakening. While a bit unsettling at times, all is well in our world as we step into 2018, an 11 year.

Everything won’t change in the blink of a second hand. Yet the promise of a new beginning is present and it is customary to consider what we would like to be different. New Years is a blessed time for choosing new intentions.

Of course, we can do this anytime; choosing in each moment what outcome we want from what we are thinking, feeling, how we are being. Choosing wisely is a discipline of being personally accountable and responsible for ourselves and our results.

Use the Vedic Teaching to guide you; a clean page, a new chapter in your book of life.

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; for it becomes                                                                                  your destiny.

~ Upanishads of the Vedas

On this New Year, consider what the life you wish to live would look like. Get excited about your possibilities and consider what is most important to you. First in importance needs to be to, Love Yourself, Respect Yourself, Honor Yourself, Because God Dwells Within You As You. Then choose one thing you will change about you, your way of being; something that at the end of 2018 you will look back at with appreciation at your self-effort and improved life experience.

Choose Love. Choose to be the greatest expression of You.

Happy New Year!

May We All Walk in Beauty.


Christmas Means 2…

I received my annual Christmas card from Nino, the Godfather of my two sons. This is a no-nonsense man, who is a genius in the financial field and the most opinionated human being I have ever met. He is also clear about his ideas and loves to hear the opinion of others. He is not sentimental and yet, has the kindest heart a bit hidden by his intense intellect. Everyone who knows him will tell you he is a one of a kind. He is one of the people in my life I am most grateful for.

I have been receiving Christmas cards from him for about fifty years and this year was the best yet. It is a photo of a beautiful Christmas Tree with the message:

“People are so good during Christmas. As I write this we are recovering from the Sonoma County fires. People of all types and races came to help each other. That is what Christmas is to me. I hope it is the same for you.”

Growing up in Sonoma County I have many friends and family there. Some lost everything. Nino’s message reminded me of all those suffering around the world, and that I have nothing to complain about.

Regardless if the Holidays mean Menorah, Christmas Tree, Santa Claus, Nativity and all the other symbols for the Winter Solstice, it is a time to pause, be grateful for life and send Love and Good Will to all.

May We All Walk in Beauty.

I have attached last year’s Christmas message for those who may not have seen the Christmas story. Merry, Blessed Christmas!

Post: December 11, 2016: Christmas Means…

I look out my window I see the thick frost with a slight dusting of snow that visited us last night. I wonder if it will snow on Christmas Day. Not being from snow country and now living in it, it seems only fitting that we have a White Christmas.   Of course, I will be in Portland, OR this year for Christmas so the odds are less ~ and still possible.

In the meantime, I listen to traditional Christmas music, non-stop, bask in the Christmas lights in our neighborhood and consider what the season means to me.

My Christmas experience has been so varied over the years. I raised my sons with a traditional Christmas; lots of decorations, the Sacred Crèche, Christmas cookies, turkey dinner, presents, stockings hung, Santa Claus and a large extended family.

I have also spent Christmas with only me. The first time felt a bit odd. I didn’t have all those things to do. I thought of the advertisements showing family’s gathering together. I thought about all my family Christmas experiences.  I considered that I was missing something; sadness whispered to me.

Then I asked sadness to be still because the truth was that I wasn’t sad. Habit and old belief systems thought I should be because things were not the same. It’s true that the outer looked very different. I noticed though that when I thought of Christmas my heart warmed. When I saw Christmas lights or heard Christmas music I smiled. There were times when I was alone at Christmas with no outer trappings yet I knew it was Christmas and I was glad.

As I consider what Christmas means to me I am reminded of a story. I wish I could tell you who wrote it ~ I am grateful for the author sharing. May it touch your heart to remember what Christmas means to you.

May We All Walk in Beauty.

Here’s the story. I hope you like it.

The “W” in Christmas

My son, Nicholas, was in kindergarten that year. It was an exciting season for a six-year-old.  For weeks, he’d been memorizing songs for his school’s “Winter Pageant.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’d be working the night of the production. Unwilling to miss his shining moment, I spoke with his teacher. She assured me there’d be a dress rehearsal the morning of the presentation.  All parents unable to attend that evening were welcome to come then.  Fortunately, Nicholas seemed happy with the compromise.   So, the morning of the dress rehearsal, I filed in ten minutes early, found a spot on the cafeteria floor and sat down. Around the room, I saw several other parents quietly scampering to their seats.
As I waited, the students were led into the room. Each class, accompanied
by their teacher, sat cross-legged on the floor. Then, each group, one by one, rose to perform their song.  Because the public school system had long stopped referring to the holiday as “Christmas,” I didn’t expect anything other than fun, commercial entertainment songs of reindeer, Santa Claus, snowflakes and good cheer.
So, when my son’s class rose to sing, “Christmas Love,” I was slightly taken aback by its bold title.  Nicholas was aglow, as were all of his classmates, adorned in fuzzy mittens, red sweaters, and bright snowcaps upon their heads.  Those in the front row- center stage – held up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the song.  As the class would sing “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter C. Then, “H is for Happy,” and on and on, until each child holding up his portion had presented the complete message, “Christmas Love.”
The performance was going smoothly, until suddenly, we noticed her; a small, quiet, girl in the front row holding the letter “M” upside down – totally unaware her letter “M” appeared as a” W”.  The audience of 1st through 6th graders snickered at this little one’s mistake. But she had no idea they were laughing at her, so she stood tall, proudly holding her ” W”.  Although many teachers tried to shush the children, the laughter continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together.  A hush came over the audience and eyes began to widen.  In that instant, we understood the reason we were there, why we celebrated the holiday in the first place, why even in the chaos, there was a purpose for our festivities.  For when the last letter was held high, the message read loud and clear:

“C H R I S T W A S L O V E”


Stories & Sunglasses

We create stories (interpretations) about our experiences through the filter of our bias. These stories are not based on reality. They are steeped in our interpretation.

Bias is a colored filter of perception. Think sunglasses…rose colored, green, blue, or brown tint.

While an event happened, our feelings about it, our opinion of it, our viewpoint of what happened, the reason, or the motivation of others involved are created by the story teller.

It occurs to me that when some folks realize they have created a story about an experience, they then have an explanation. Explanations come through the filter of bias.

Even more subtle is when people discover a story they have created and then as though expounding a new-found wisdom, create a story about the story.

The hidden agenda behind creating a story or explanation about our story is that we don’t have to change. We can remain feeling right.

The discovering, the new-found awareness is the first step. We have to then change the story. We have to change the way we have been seeing things.

As we notice the stories we have about our experiences we can begin to understand our view of the world and how we see ourselves. How we see both of those is through the filter of our perception… the stories (our interpretation).

We will know we have succeeded when we feel differently about the original experience and have nothing more to say about it. There is no more story and no more story about the story.

May We All Walk in Beauty.

Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

I am smiling.

Pictures don’t lie. A picture is worth a thousand words. Those are statements I grew up with before the technological imprint changed those sayings from long-held truths to absurdities. Except for some experts, we really cannot tell if a photo is authentic or fabrication.

What does hold true is our interpretation of a photo, an image, an experience. If we see it, we believe it is true ~ for us, from our perspective. Then we can consider the phrase, If you believe it you see it. So, the thought goes from seeing is believing to believing is seeing.

What changed?

Nothing except perception. Perception is filtered by bias. Is this Eagle smiling?

Is someone happy, sad, mad or being a jerk because that is what we see? Is someone we love or work with problematic because that is what we see? Is our life not working because of how we see?

Maybe everything is working and we cannot see the larger picture. Maybe everything would work better if we could see differently.

Is the Eagle smiling?

May We All Walk in Beauty.

Number One

It takes a lifetime to get to know ourselves. Of all the relationships we have, the one with our own self is the most important. Even our relationship to a higher power is second to that. Actually, our relationship with ourselves dictates our relationship with whatever we deem as that higher power.

One could argue it is the reverse…that we must be in relationship with a higher power in order to have a clear and loving relationship with ourselves.

Yet, like all relationships, it is what we bring to the table that counts. If we do not understand ourselves, our values, motivations; if we do not love ourselves, if we are looking to our relationships to make us happy and complete, we have missed the point of relationship.

The journey to Awakening is Knowing ourselves in all aspects of our unique expression as a human being and Soul. Lao Tzu reminds us of this: Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.

May We All Walk in Beauty

Sadness Habit

Wat Phra Kaew ,Bangkok, Thailand

Sadness is our attempt to self-nurture. Yet staying in sadness makes for living a very small life. To be a contribution we have to get ourselves out of the way.  The challenge is that inherent in our memory bank is a child’s wish for mommy to sooth away the hurt and pain. A wise mother knows how to nurture and empower a child’s sadness by getting them to move, to think about something else; she assists them to change their state. This mother is an empowering human being. When we grow up we have to learn how to do that for ourselves.

If we can get the “me” out of the way long enough we can change our momentary state (of feeling/being). Changing our state moves us from sadness to a fulfilled life.

Speaking of how he survived his experience in the Nazi death camps, Victor Frankl said, “When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.”  I can’t help but think if he can do it in those circumstances we can do it in ours. He survived and flourished by getting himself out of the way. His book, Man’s Search for Meaning is important; the original title in German was, Saying Yes to Life in Spite of Everything….

Sadness is paralyzing, rendering us useless to ourselves and others.  It can also become a habit. Habits can be changed as states can be changed. At times changing our state can take Herculean effort. Yet if we want freedom we must learn to change our state of being. Begin by being grateful.

Changing our sadness (state) into serving is an alchemical act of wisdom and love; it is fueled by gratitude and expressed in serving another.

Gratitude fills the heart so that there is actually something to give to others. And while we may not be saving the whales or feeding the hungry, the Gratitude and Love flowing from each of us makes a contribution to Higher Consciousness and we all are the better for it.

May We All Walk in Beauty.